
The body is electric. Scientists estimate that our bodies can produce, on average, 100 watts of power, at rest, Our cells conduct electrical currents and acupuncture can be a very powerful tool to help with the signaling process of this current systemically in the body via the connective tissue. Acupuncture is performed by inserting stainless steel needles at specific points along channels and pathways in the body based on each patient’s specific ailment. This modality is typically painless but patients sometimes report feeling a little pinch or twinge. The needles are in fact pins and not needles at all as they are not hollow. For those that are needle sensitive, they will be relieved to discover that on average, 25 acupuncture pins can fit inside the syringe used at their doctor’s office.

“The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.” Hippocrates

San Diego Acupuncture AcuClinic - Shoulder Pain.

Our Approach
& the Benefits...

No two acupuncture patients receive the same treatment for the same disease or discomfort. Acupuncturists treat patients, not diseases. They are trained to take in every detail of you, from the sound of your voice to the quality of your skin to the sparkle in your eyes. They care about your whole story, past and present. They see your body as a network of interdependent parts: muscle, bone, fascia, organs, blood and body fluids, as well as more subtle layers like meridians and qi. They see what is deficient and what is stuck, mentally as well as physically, and make adjustments like a traffic cop, facilitating the body’s own healing ability.

  • Acupuncture can help support and strengthen the immune system.

  • Acupuncture can treat over 50 western medical disorders.

  • Great results without negative side effects.

  • Detect subtle imbalances in your system and work to correct them.

Your path to your recovery

How It Works?


For every new patient, the AcuClinic takes the time to learn about the ailments and goals, and together we craft a treatment plan.


After consultation, the AcuClinic will perform an initial treatment to address the patient concerns.


Patient will return to AcuClinic for follow up treatments and progress checks to gauge progress and ensure success.

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The AcuClinic San Diego | Chinese Integrative Medicine